Knitting Machine Beanie Tips, Tricks, & Tutorial
Today I am sharing the Avery Lane Beanie knitting machine tutorial with you along with some tips and tricks. I jumped on the knitting machine craze last year and I have no regrets! I love being able to whip up a beanie or an ear warmer in around 30 minutes.

I thought using my knitting machine was going to be super easy! I would just drop the yarn in and poof there’s a beanie. That was not the case but with a few simple tips and tricks you can jump right in and get started.
Just like with knitting and crocheting, everyone’s tension is different so I highly recommend to keep a notebook handy so you can take notes on what works for you. Jot down the yarn used, your tension, and how many rows you made. Be sure to measure your tube after you take it off the machine and after a few gentle tugs so you will know if you need to make adjustments.
I have a video tutorial on my YouTube channel that shows you how to make the Avery Lane Beanie with your knitting machine. You can check it out below.
I’m using an Addi Express King Size machine. It has 46 needles. I bought mine on Amazon (affiliate link)
Knitting Machine Tips & Tricks:
2. Go slow when casting on and use loose tension. I also recommend going slow for the first few rows. This is also important when you drop in new yarn.
3. Use center pull so your yarn flows smoothly.
4. Secure your machine to your work space.
5. Watch for knots in your yarn you don’t want these going through your needles.
6. If you start feeling tension from your machine, stop.
7. Tools to keep handy while using your machine- scissors, tapestry needle, acrylic ruler or tape measure, pencil and notebook, and a crochet hook.
8. If you drop a stitch and have trouble getting it back on your needle, it is usually so much faster to just start over. I know it can be frustrating to start over but it really can be so much quicker and simpler.
I have used and recommend using the following yarns with your knitting machine- Yarn Bee Soft & Sleek, Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn, Caron Simply Soft, & ALC Yarns (my hand dyed yarn on worsted weight).

If you’ve been on the fence about ordering a knitting machine or breaking yours out of the box, I hope these tips and tricks encourage you to give it a try.
If you are a visual learner like I am, check out my YouTube channel for the Avery Beanie tutorial and the twisted ear warmer tutorial.
I would love to see your beanies and ear warmers. Feel free to tag me on social #averylanecreations #alcmakes #alcpatterns
You can find me on Facebook and Instagram.
Check out my hand dyed yarns in my Yarn Shop.

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